Sustaining your site: Monthly maintenance, support & institutional knowledge

Social Ink also offers ala carte support services at an hourly rate and regular, repeating Client Support Plans. Joining one of our plans offers substantial benefits, including quick response times, emergency email and phone support, and scheduled software and security “updates and backups,” all counted toward a set number of hours per cycle. This ensures a discounted total, a regular restoration point, and better site security and performance.

Our Support Plans:

  • Our Core plan offers regularly scheduled software updates and backups. We recommend the core plan as a minimum ongoing investment for your website.
  • Our Standard plan adds an allotment for content, design, and functionality requests, in addition to the updates and backups included with the core plan.
  • Finally, our Pro plan includes all of the above, plus quarterly strategy sessions and recommendations, targeted toward your digital needs.

Core “Sysadmin” Work: the bread and butter of any well functioning website.

  • Updates to core website software, third-party add-ons, and system environments such as PHP;
  • Iterative, version-controlled backups using GIT or other software;
  • Remote encrypted ‘snapshot’ backups of all appropriate site components and content assets, for instant availability and efficient restoration;

“Institutional Memory”, Training & Strategy Services

  • Content Management System (eg WordPress) training;
  • Password changes, user generation, liasoning and onboarding new staff, board or other relevant staff;
  • SEO and Analytics consultation.

IT and Website Management Services:

  • Content Management System (CMS) and server environment support, including bugs, and/or issues introduced by content uploading;
  • Accessibility and ADA analysis and mitigation options;
  • Spam/malware control (includes blacklisting if necessary).

Content and Design Services:

  • Preliminary reviews of your site analytics and user performance;
  • User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) appraisals based on new technologies, organizational growth, or user feedback;
  • Style changes such as typography or color adjustments;
  • Image optimization for the web;
  • Multimedia and art direction planning.

Learn more: Use Social Ink’s contact form below, email info [at], or call (347) 788-8465.