At a Glance

  • Case tracker with a chronological timeline
  • Modular block-based design system
  • Web-based identity


About the Work

Abolitionist Law Center: Home


Abolitionist Law Center: Reports


Abolitionist Law Center: Case Tracker

Case Tracker

Abolitionist Law Center: ALC Single

ALC Single

Abolitionist Law Center: Accordion Block

Accordion Block

Abolitionist Law Center: Staff


Abolitionist Law Center: ALC Footer

ALC Footer

Abolitionist Law Center: ALC Facts

ALC Facts

Abolitionist Law Center: Tactics Topics and Targets

Tactics Topics and Targets

Browse More Work

Catalyst Law

We worked alongside the good people at Justice Catalyst Law to overhaul and split their two main initiatives, Justice Catalyst Law and sister site Justice Catalyst. The websites contains a new, unified brand with distinct relationships between the two, and offer the user multiple ways to access the other while maintaining their sense of place within the overall ecosystem.

Harvard University Law School: The [F]law

The full featured project – from branding concept to web design and implementation – was done on a rapid single semester timeline and provides the community the full featured publishing options for rotating administrators.

NYU: Review of Law and Social Change

A seamless online archive for an archive of legal publications